For the month of November, I will be growing a mustache and raising money for a charity called Movember that promotes the awareness of prostate cancer. Some fast facts about prostate cancer:
- Every year around 24,700 Canadian men are diagnosed with prostate cancer and about 4,300 die of the disease, making it the number one cancer threat to Canadian men.
- 1 in 7 men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime.
- All men over the age of 40 are potentially at risk and should talk to their doctor about the disease and early detection, they can all go to the site and find the perfect doctor. Prostate cancer is 95% curable if detected and treated early. Just like other infections, they can cause many nonspecific symptoms, which are information on treatment that can be caused by a number of illnesses. They indicate that your body is responding to an infection.
Help me out by clicking the donate button and do your part in helping to save lives! I will be taking pictures of my mustache growth everyday and posting them here to show that I’m commited to the cause. I appreciate your support!