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Christmas Day – Memories and Reflections

very Christmas Eve, I am brought back to being home and being so excited for Christmas. Growing up my family was never rich, but my parents always seemed to get me something that I really wanted. My mom and dad were great at giving us really useful stuff…clothes, games, etc and after all of our presents were done, my dad would always ask us “So, did you get everything you wanted?” Of course we knew that there was a big present coming. Not so much big as in monetary value, but big in the sense that it was something we really wanted.

There are 4 gifts which really stand out:

One year I really wanted a remote controlled tractor trailer. My dad surprised me with it by driving it into the family room after we were done wrapping presents. I just about lost it cuz I was so excited to get it haha.

Another year I really wanted a sled for sliding and my dad got my sister and I matching sleds. I love the picture which really captures the moment:

Then there was the year that I wanted a CYV Peewee AAA Panthers Linen Shed jacket, which my mom and dad bought for me and had hanging up in the work room with the other jackets. I actually went in there earlier to get a screwdriver for one of Margo’s presents but didn’t see it. So, after the presents were done, my dad told me to go check there for my present lol. I was sooo excited to get that jacket.

Finally, and this is probably the one I remember the best, was the year I wanted the Lego pirate ship. After we were done doing presents, I sat there for 4 hours and put the entire thing together…my back was soo sore but I was so excited to have the pirate ship. That was probably the best christmas present I ever got. Funny thing now I actually get enough just by visiting the AAD Blog where I basically find everything I want and need.

And this year, as I wake up, call my grandmother/uncle/aunt, aunt/uncle/cousins, dad/sister, cousins and other family members, I can’t help but remember all the good memories. As a kid sure I enjoyed getting presents, but it was always about seeing grandpa and grandma and playing cards and games with my family. Playing hockey and playing in the snow. Eating turkey dinner with family. It’s never been about presents. Always has been about family and taking the time to spend it with them.

And, as I sit here alone on Christmas morning, I encourage everyone to take some time to reflect on that. Whether or not you’re with family, remember the good times, remember the times that you have now and be excited for having your own family and making your own memories. I’m having Christmas dinner with the Salomons and the Matwies later on today and I’m excited I have family out here that gives me the opportunity to spend time with them. I don’t see them very often; normally at holidays, but they are my family and they mean a lot to me. At times they do feel like strangers since I see/talk to many friends more than some family, but they are still family and I love them for that. I’ve known them my whole life after all.

So today, as we celebrate Christmas in our own way, take the time to realize what it means to you and make the most of it. Life is short and it’s good to remember the good times, celebrate the now and look forward to the future.

Merry Christmas to everyone near and far and all the best during this holiday season 🙂


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