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Must See Movie: Arrival

I hadn’t heard of Arrival until earlier today when my friend asked if I wanted to go see a movie. I quickly checked out the description and it sounded good.

I like not reading reviews or watching trailers before watching a movie. It gives me expectations, knowledge that can take away surprises during the movie and a general idea of where the movie is headed. I like to go in fresh and watch the movie for what it is.

Overall, I really enjoyed Arrival. I found it similar to Interstellar in that it was insightful, inventive and optimistic about time and the future. I like to think that there is more out there than just us on earth. And that we will be capable of doing so much more with technology and possibly even time than we are right now. This movie lends hope to that idea.

But the main message I took away is how important it is that we all work together. No matter what happens with the future, it’s important that nations realize we are all in this together. There is no Ruler of Earth or King of the World. The UN would be the closest thing to it. So I hope that we remain cognizant and when faced with adversity, we come together rather than pulling apart.

Check out the trailer above or just go watch the movie. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

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