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Home to the Maritimes

I’m flying home to visit my family tomorrow night. I haven’t seen them all in 2.5 years. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long and it makes me sad. I’ve put so many other things ahead of taking trips home and for what?

Sure I’ve enjoyed playing in ultimate tournaments. And going on road trips has been great. But really when it matters, family is who’s been there for me. And I’m so proud of them. Margo just tied for 2nd at the NB Ladies Golf provincials and is on the team for Nationals. And Dad is happy being a teacher and is enjoying his summer golfing. I can’t wait to get out and play some golf with him. Just hang out with him and talk. It’s been a long time since we’ve done that. And I’m going to our family cottage in PEI for 3 days. Nick, Natalie, Tina, Steve and Grandma will all be there. How amazing is that? I haven’t been to the cottage in 8 years! I can’t wait to hang out in the yard and on the beach and play games with the family. I think I need this trip more than I realize. It’s very easy to get caught up in your life so much that you neglect the really important things in life. Those people who really care about you.

I also am going to get to visit Grandma in New Glasgow. I got to spend some time with her last fall when she was out visiting the Salomons but it’s always nice to see her in NS. Although this will be the first time I’ll be in the house since Grandpa passed away I’m also going to visit mom’s grave and throw some pennies in the pond. It will be the first time doing that without Margo which will be sad but I think I need some time alone with her. I feel like I’ve lost some of my morals since I was last home and I really need to reclaim those. I haven’t been feeling myself lately and I need to figure out how to get that back.

I’m also going to be running some ultimate clinics in Woodstock for the rec department. I’m doing 3; one for 5-8 year olds, one for 9+ and one for adults. I’m pretty stoked to be doing them as Woodstock hasn’t really seen ultimate before (maybe the high school teacher throwing the dad variety) so this should be pretty neat for them. I’m basically going to teach them throwing/catching, some basic gameplay and then run a scrimmage. And encourage them to get something started if they’re interested. It will be a good way to promote Ultimate Rob and teach some more people how awesome ultimate is.

And finally, I’m going to be playing in the Parlee Beach ultimate frisbee tournament with JD and some Fredericton folk. I haven’t played Parlee in 5 years so I’m pretty stoked to be playing again. I’m hoping my ankle will be 100% by the time I play (I have 10 days so we’ll see). And the last time I played we lost in the finals (and I felt like a rookie playing) so this time will be much better 

I’m just so excited to go. Lots of pics to come!

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