How many times have you had this happen to you?
You write one of your friends a message on facebook. You don’t hear back from them. A week, two weeks, three weeks go by and no reply. Then one day, you post a picture or update your status and your friend, the one you wrote and haven’t received a reply from, likes your photo or status.
I’ve had this happen many times. There are “friends” on facebook I’ve been trying to get ahold of for a while. I don’t have their phone number or email so facebook is the only way for me to communicate with them, I also want to Buy instagram followers because that way I can become more active on Instagram and eventually find my friends. I will leave a few messages unread with the goal to respond to them in a timely manner, depending on what the message is all about. I get that people are busy so I don’t expect a message back right away. But far too often, I’ll have outstanding messages with someone who likes something I post and yet I still haven’t gotten a message back from them.
I see this on the pages I manage as well. People are far more likely to “like” a status than they are to comment on it. Why? I think because it takes less effort and as a society we are becoming worse and worse at communicating and expressing ourselves.
What do you make of this?
@rjmcleod you nailed it, ‘like’ is lazy. Interaction takes effort, whether in RL or virtual. Social media equivalent of the ‘auto-reply’.
This is very common problem on facebook 🙂
@hse Best thing is to keep your friend list small.
I am so guilty of this one and so I was looking for the like button symbol to put in my email as a joke and found your page! I had to laugh because it was perfect for what I was doing!
LisaDahlgren Lol that’s awesome! Glad you found it useful 🙂